She's the kind of cat who always want to be around people. She loves snuggling up to us - no matter who it is. She has this *meow* which metls people's heart. You really can't deny her what she wants! And she usually only wants 4 things - to be cuddled, food, to be let out, or she wants some aircon.
We found her a loong time ago - no actually, she found us a loong time ago when one day when she was just a wee little kitten, she just appeared around our house and started meowing (not in a whining way, but more in a " I want a home" kind of way. It was love at first sight -my brother picked her up and that was that. She's been with us ever since - for over 10 years now. Imagine that!
Over the years, she has given us soo many precious memories.
I really love her!
This is my other cat, Frodo / Dodo - My brother bought her home and sister gave her the goofy name. Ever since then, she's been an angry cat- I guess people are right - think of the child/animal's future when you give it a name...
I am sure every cat in the neighbourhood laughs at her. Poor thing. But she is a pain in the ass...
Adorable. And my names are the best. Besides, you forgot to mention that Frodo is vengeful. She'll come chasing after you no matter what you did to her. So you better watch your back!
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